понедельник, 13 ноября 2017 г.



Tea rinses have become popular only recently and there are commercial hair rinses available too! Natural rinses are always the best since you don’t have to worry about preservatives or other synthetic and artificial ingredients. Tea rinses are always preferred over other rinses since it contains all the essential compounds that are extracted by the process of simmering and heating. Here are the top hair rinses and their roles:



Tea is popularly known to darken hair semi-permanently when you use it on regular basis. Sage tea, henna tea and black tea work the best for darkening hair.

How to make: To make this sage and black tea rinse, you need 3 tablespoons of dried sage/black tea/henna leaves and 3 cups water. Let the water start boiling on a medium flame and then add dried tea leaves/sage to it. Put a lid on it and let it simmer for 15 minutes. Strain and pour it in a spray bottle or a mug.

How to use: After shampooing, skip conditioning and pour the tea on your hair and scalp. Massage a bit and let it stay that way for 5 minutes. Rinse off with plain water and repeat this 2-3 times a week until you see positive results. Ways to darken hair.


Chamomile tea and citrus teas are the best when it comes to hair lightening. Chamomile has natural hair lightening and conditioning properties while citrus teas lighten hair when exposed to sunlight.

How to make: Boil 3 cups water and pour it in a cup. Steep 3-4 chamomile tea bags or loose dried chamomile about 3-4 tablespoons/lemon or orange peels for 30 minutes with a lid on it. Strain and pour the tea in spray bottle or a mug. Natural ways to lighten hair and also add highlights.

How to use: Use chamomile tea as hair rinse after shampooing. Massage a bit and let it stay that way for 5 minutes. Rinse off with plain water and repeat this 2-3 times a week until you see positive results. Use citrus tea as hair spray before you go outdoors or on the beach and don’t forget to condition your hair properly when you wash it off.


Nettle tea and green tea works best for oily hair. It balances the scalp’s oil production and gradually makes your hair less oily. Oily hair home remedies.

How to make: To make this tea rinse, you need 1 tablespoon dried nettle/green tea and 2 cups water. Put 2 cups water on low flame and add tea to it. Let it simmer for 15 minutes and put off the flame. Strain and pour in a spray bottle or a jug or mug.

How to use: Use it as a last hair rinse after shampooing and conditioning, concentrating on the scalp. To remove build up from hair add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. You can also use it as hair spray or hair mask.


Sage, basil and rooibos tea works great for dandruff and flaky scalp. Not only do they have anti-bacterial properties but also moisturizing properties that is great for flaky scalp related to dry weather. Ayurvedic treatment for dandruff.

How to make: To make this tea, you need 3-4 tablespoons dried basil leaves/sage/rooibos and 3 cups water. Put water on medium heat and add dry ingredient to it. Let it simmer for 15-20 minutes and put off the flame. Once it cools down, strain it and pour in a jar or mug.

How to use: Use it as a last hair rinse. Do not forget to massage your scalp while you pour it on your hair and scalp. Can also be used as night treatment.


Rosemary tea and black tea are great for hair growth and to add healthy shine. They make hair follicles stronger, stimulate hair growth and prevent breakage. Hair rinses for hair growth.

How to make: Add 3 cups of water in a vessel and put it on medium flame. Add 2-3 tablespoons of dried rosemary or black tea leaves to the water and let it simmer for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, put off the flame and let the solution sit for up to 1 hour, steeping the herbs in the water to create the rinse. Strain and pour the tea into a spray bottle or mug and your hair rinse is ready. Green tea hair growth shampoo.

How to use: Use it as your last hair rinse after conditioning and do not wash it off.

Original article and pictures take cdn.theindianspot.com site

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