вторник, 11 июля 2017 г.

Tips for Airdrying Relaxed Hair

Tips for Airdrying Relaxed Hair
Lady with relaxed hair

Airdrying is one of the healthiest hair practices adopted by many hair journeyers. Regardless of whether you plan to use direct heat (flat irons or curling irons) to then style or you opt for a complete heat free style, airdrying can benefit your tresses. The hair appears fuller, thicker, and more voluminous when air as opposed to blowdrying. Many women have trouble getting their relaxed hair to airdry smoothly so here are a 5 tips to help you perfect this technique:

1.Find a good leave-in conditioner. Preferably one that falls within the natural acidic pH of hair, between 4 and 6. If your hair is thick, you probably will require a creamy leave in, but if you have hair that is on the thinner side a liquid or mist will probably work best. There are a number of leave-in conditioners that fall within the preferred 4-6 pH range, but if you cannot find one you like try mixing your own with a leave-in conditioner, aloe vera juice and a couple of your favorite oils.

2.Try the scarf method. Sunshyne of Hairlicious Inc. introduced many ladies to this method. To do the scarf method you comb your detangled hair straight back and apply a scarf around your edges to prevent the “poof” many of us get when we just leave our hair hanging. To aid in the “smoothing” process, as your hair dries from time to time run your fingers down the length.

3.Section your hair. Whether you loosely twist, braid or even place in a ponytail placing your hair in sections will help it to dry faster, more smoothly and in particular help to tame the roots of your hair and prevent them from poofing up.

4.Use your hooded dryer. Comb hair straight down and sit under your hooded dryer for ten to fifteen minutes. Airdry your hair the rest of the time. Sitting under the dryer even for just a short time does more than help your hair dry faster – it will smooth your hair and help set it.

5.Blow dry on cool air once your hair has dried. Even if all you do is comb your detangled hair down and sit until your hair is completely dry, blow drying on cool air can smooth the cuticle and leave you with beautifully airdried hair.

These are just a couple of tips to help you airdry. The styles you can do on airdried hair are limitless and you have not subjected your hair to any direct heat so it is extremely healthy for your strands. As with many techniques, practice does make perfect so if you do not get it right the first time – try try try again!

Original article and pictures take blackhairinformation.com site

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