Too many times when people think about growing long and strong hair they think of it as too hard to maintain and end up just whacking it off. Well, the truth is it's not really hard to maintain at all. And if you read my articles you'll know that my own hair measure around 4 1/2 feet in length and I know what I'm talking about.
Of course it's definitely not maintenance free but if you use the right tips, you can have long, strong and healthy locks before you know it! (And with minimal effort).
This is an update to the other articles that I have written with a little more information since there seemed to be some who wanted some further tips...
Click to read my article, "How To Grow Long Luscious Hair" which is the first article of these two parts and it covers the basics for growing long hair. It covers the nutritional supplement facts, and basic long hair care tips.
My sister, who also has extremely long hair, has written an article with pictures telling of her long hair journey. Please check it out here!
A Few More Tips...
- Never use elastic bands to secure hair unless they have fabric covering them.
- Stay away from heat styling products and avoid washing hair in too hot of water. (Lukewarm with a cool rinse is best).
- Avoid chemical products and permanents. Perms may look nice but always have negative effects on the health of our hair. ( Not only is there "permanent" waves, there may permanent damage). For healthier and effective ways to wave hair without the harmful side effects, please see my article on How to Wave Hair.
- Deep condition (using one of the ideas below) at least twice per month.
You will need...
- Twice as much real mayonnaise as what you normally would use of conditioner for regular conditioning.
- One to three eggs depending on current hair length. (One for shoulder length, two for waist length and three for longer).
- Thermal shower cap
- Blow dryer or hot towels
Blend together and apply mixture to hair. (Room temperature to slightly warm is best for absorption). Wind hair on top of head and cover with a thermal shower cap. Blast lightly with a blow dryer a few times or cover with hot towels. The heat will help the conditioner to absorb better. (Don't use excessive heat). Leave on for about one hour and rinse with cool water. Use a mild two-in-one shampoo to remove excess residue continuing to use cool water. The cool will help to seal back the hair which will lock in softness and shine.

This treatment is much like the previous treatment. You will follow the same steps except for using avocado in the place of the egg.
Use 1/2 avocado for shoulder length, 1 whole avocado for waist length and 1 1/2 to 2 avocados for longer hair.
NOTE: Both of these treatments may be enhanced by adding 1/4 to 1/2 cup of olive or coconut oil to the mixture but may be slightly harder to wash out. Also, a few drops of aromatic oils may be added to help the smell and to make it a more relaxing process. Ones to try: Peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, or lavender oil.
NOTE: You may also use a mixture of warm coconut and olive oils for hot oil treatments and split end treatments. Remember, if you microwave the oils to warm them do so for only a few seconds and be very careful as you could easily be burned.
~Always let hair air dry naturally and do not brush when wet.

If you do not wish to use one of the above treatments you can still deep condition using your regular hair conditioner.
Just use twice as much conditioner as you normally would and use the heat method with the thermal shower cap and leave on for an hour. Rinse thoroughly with cool water.
Original article and pictures take blessedmommy.hubpages.com site
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