четверг, 18 января 2018 г.

Why I Rinse My Hair with Apple Cider Vinegar

Why I Rinse My Hair with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV). You may have seen or heard it mentioned in the blog world. You definitely would have seen it on my blog because I use it regularly during my wash days. Since I've been using apple cider vinegar on my relaxed hair I've noticed a great improvement in my scalp. Particularly less itching and a decrease in flaking.

Did you know apple cider vinegar is a natural cleanser? See the benefits of doing apple cider vinegar rinses on your hair whether natural, colored, or relaxed. | arelaxedgal.com
Did you know apple cider vinegar is a natural cleanser? See the benefits of doing apple cider vinegar rinses on your hair whether natural, colored, or relaxed. | arelaxedgal.com

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Apple cider vinegar also referred to as ACV, is made from the fermentation of apple cider. ACV has benefits making it good for all kinds of hair including relaxed hair. Some of the benefits of doing ACV rinses on your hair are:

  • Dandruff and itchy scalp relief. The acetic acid in ACV stops the growth of bacteria and fungus that can contribute to dandruff and itchy scalp
  • Helps remove product build-up on the hair and scalp. So I make sure to use it every time I cleanse. I make extra special care to use it when I co-wash as a kind of cleansing double-check for my scalp
  • pH balancing which is great if you relax your hair as relaxers can change the pH balance of your hair
  • Increases shine by closing cuticle allowing light to reflect off of the strands

Apple cider vinegar is strong which can irritate your scalp. I've found it's best to dilute it before applying it. The two ways I dilute ACV are:

  • Mix 2 parts water and 1 part ACV
  • Mix 1 part green tea, 1 part water and 1 part ACV

No matter how I dilute it, I apply it directly to my scalp using an application bottle before I shampoo or co-wash. After applying it I massage it into my scalp and then go right into shampooing or co-washing without rinsing it out.

Did you know apple cider vinegar is a natural cleanser? See the benefits of doing apple cider vinegar rinses on your hair whether natural, colored, or relaxed. | arelaxedgal.com
Did you know apple cider vinegar is a natural cleanser? See the benefits of doing apple cider vinegar rinses on your hair whether natural, colored, or relaxed. | arelaxedgal.com

If you're interested in including apple cider vinegar in your regimen don't forget to look at the ingredient list to make sure it's pure apple cider vinegar. The only ingredient should be apple cider vinegar. You want to make sure what you're using is natural or organic.

The brand I use is the Walmart store brand, but I've seen other hair bloggers rave about Bragg's apple cider vinegar. I opted to use the Walmart brand instead of the Bragg apple cider vinegar purely because of the cheaper cost.

Do you use apple cider vinegar on your hair?

Original article and pictures take www.arelaxedgal.com site

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