понедельник, 24 июля 2017 г.

Tips For Creating Your Healthy Hair Regimen

Tips For Creating Your Healthy Hair Regimen
natural hair regimen

Need to get on track with your healthy hair regimen? Check out my Ultimate Healthy Hair Regimen E-Guide


Are you looking to develop your healthy hair regimen? Healthy hair begins with a plan, it doesn’t just happen. When going natural you should develop, and have your own personalized healthy hair regimen in place. Your hair regimen is a process where you perform basic steps on a regular basis to keep your hair healthy and thriving. Your regimen doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming you can keep it really simple. Your healthy hair regimen should include the following components:

The frequency of you regimen is up to you. You should take the time to learn your hair and which products and product mixes work best for you. I don’t necessarily use an entire product line on my hair, but I know what works well together and works best for my hair.


I shampoo weekly with a sulfate free shampoo. The reason I shampoo weekly is to prevent product buildup. I know some also co-wash. I co-wash occasionally. I have since changed my regimen to mostly washing with shampoo (sulfate free). I make sure to focus on my scalp massaging in a circular motion to help lift product buildup from my hair. I also like to incorporate a clay treatment into my regimen every once in a while to give my hair a detox and remove buildup. A clay treatment acts similar to a clarifying shampoo.


Some may choose to follow up with a rinse out conditioner. I sometimes alternate depending on how much time I have devoted to my wash session. During this step, you focus on my hair rather than the scalp. I work the conditioner through finger detangling with my hands. Sometimes you will use a wide tooth comb to aid in my detangling process.

Deep Conditioner

I always get the question of “How often should I deep condition?”. This depends on the state of your hair. If your hair is damaged you may need to deep condition more often. If you like to apply a lot of heat to your hair, then you may need to deep condition once a week. I typically deep condition twice a month with steam. Check out the benefits of steaming

I typically deep condition twice a month with steam. Check out the benefits of steaming here . I alternate between a moisturizing deep conditioner and a protein deep conditioner. The moisture-protein balance is essential for maintaining healthy hair.

Protein Treatment

Protein treatments are good for repairing damaged hair. Protein treatments like the ApHogee Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor that helps to repair damaged hair is good to use every 8 weeks or so. If you straighten your hair a lot you should use a protein treatment every 6-8 weeks.


I usually do a style over the weekend such as a twist out or braid out and bun for the rest of the week until wash day rolls around again. I am very low-manipulation when it comes to styling. I use the LOC method, leave in, oil and cream to seal in moisture for my hair. The benefit I see from wearing low manipulation styles is that my hair flourishes and I am able to retain length.

Stay on Track

Once you get your regimen down packed stick with it. I know it may be hard, but in the end, it will be worth it. Once you figure out what works and what doesn’t stick with your regimen. Ride it out, you can do it!

Re-evaluate your Regimen

As time goes on your hair and your hair’s needs will change. You will need to take a step back and look at your regimen. You may need to change a few things or you may not. Just make sure after a few months that you evaluate your regimen to determine if it is working for your hair. The best way to keep track of your journey and regimen is to write things down. Keep a journal of things that you think worked for your hair and things that need improvement.

Creating your hair care regimen takes time and patience. You may not see the benefit in the beginning but sticking to your regimen will be worth it in the end.

Also check out my video where I share tips on creating a healthy hair care regimen!

Do you have a healthy hair regimen?

Need to get on track with your healthy hair regimen? Check out my ultimate healthy hair regimen E-Guide Here.

Original article and pictures take www.happilyevernatural.com site

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