Earlier this week, i posted a preview of the infographic on relaxed hair regimen for beginners that i was working on. I am glad to inform you that it is now live (see below)!
I created 2 infographics. The 1st summarizes the steps to follow and the 2nd provides detailed directions and product recommendations. I created the 12 weeks regimen as i feel that it is the ideal time between relaxer stretch for hair care newbies.
For week 2-5 | Complete the entire process consecutively
For week 8, 9, 11| Moisturize the style 3 times per week
If you plan to follow the regimen, you (most likely) have dry and/or damaged hair that is (addicted) accustomed to heat usage. When i started my ‘hair journey’ i completely cut off heat, which resulted in extreme breakage as my hair was accustomed to heat. I want you to gradually reduce heat, hence the low manipulation period which gives your hair a break from heat. I recommend cornrows (i.e: Ghana Braids), as it has helped me achieve thicker hair.
I have placed both infographics on the Regimen for Beginners page (under Hair Care), for ease of access. If you have any questions or require clarifications, comment below and i will followup with you
Happy Reading!
Texlaxing means deliberately under-processing hair (with a relaxer) which retains some textures. Texlaxed (textured relaxed) hair is healthier, thicker and stronger than relaxed hair.

Original article and pictures take www.healthyandrelaxedhair.com site
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